Tiny Lessons Big Impact

After another long hiatus, I am back and very happy to be here. And here we are April 1, 2021 already.

So much has happened in the world and in my personal life that I honestly do not know where to start.

Since my last blog post, we have experienced a pandemic, more social injustices and death of innocent people. A White house invasion and a Presidential election unlike no other. Oh and did I mention I have since gained 15 of the most stubborn pounds ever in life!  I wish that was an April Foolโ€™s jokey joke! Who loses all their baby weight just to gain it right back? Anyways I digress. It has been a movie to say the least. 

Therefore, while that is quite a bit to cover I figured there is no time like the present to get back to the blog business of things! If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I have been micro blogging. You know real long captions on my posts! Yes, that is the term for that. I have still had plenty to say.

I am still in Mommy Wonderland! I love it so much. It is without a doubt the most difficult thing I have experienced and yet I am thriving in it. If I do say so myself. Raegan is two and very much a tiny two-year-old tyrant with the best hugs and kisses in the world. I have learned so much from her. The biggest being confidence!! I know right!! How can a two year old teach you how to be confident? Glad you asked.

First, she is daring. She has no fear! I mean none!

Second, she is majority of the time happy and full of laughter. Except of course that tiny percentage of the time she is getting me all the way together for not having her chips readily available at pickup time.  Nevertheless, yes, from the time she wakes up, literally with a smile on her face to the time she closes her eyes after doing something funny she is full of joy. That has to require some extreme level of confidence. 

She is the funniest child I have ever met and I know some who would absolutely agree. Mommies can be biased I am told.  I am! Her sense of humor is incredible to be so young.

Lastly, I have learned how to be more confident simply by her love. Her love lets me know that I am doing something right. That is making the effort to be better every single day. My parenting looks very different from what I thought it would look like. 

I have more patience than I ever did

I have more understating into what feelings really are

I have a better vision for what I want my life as a woman and mom to look like

I am doing the continual work that no one tells you will be required for you to be able to choose happiness every single day. Truth is it will not always be a full day of complete joy but every single day at some point choose happiness! That is the cheat code.

I have had to face some fears, be alone, cry myself to sleep many nights and pick myself back up.  

You cannot do that if you are lacking confidence. 

2020 taught me so much about myself that has forced me to walk in that confidence more and more.

There was so much out of my control. Everything except those 15lbs because that is all on me and you know what that is ok too. I have had to learn to be confident even with the extra weight on my shoulders from just being a present mom and midsection from having one too many pandemic snacks LOL!!! 

Over the past week, I made a big decision to propel me in the right direction toward the vision I have for us. I do not know how it will end; I do not know where the stepping-stones that await me will lead me.  I do not know. 

I do know that whenever I was struggling to make a decision and I continued to weigh out the pros and cons, my dad would always tell me to just make a decision and let the chips fall where they may. Only then will I know if it was the right and best decision. Even with this post, I tried to talk myself out of it for reasons that really do not matter. I needed better pics to post, entire blog needs a makeover and it has been too long. 

My dad continues to be my counselor and Raegan continues to be my teacher. God truly blessed me with a dynamic duo in addition to so many others who pour into me on the daily! Grateful is always the buzzword each year and 2021 is no different.

There is lots more to share from Mommy Wonderland and Bubbling Brooke. Stay tuned.




  1. LaTonya Washington April 1, 2021 / 7:28 pm

    Welcome Back!!๐Ÿ’—

    • Brooke
      April 1, 2021 / 9:15 pm

      Good to be back!! Thank you

  2. Shapel April 4, 2021 / 9:48 am

    ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ’œ

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