To be a woman in today’s society can be difficult especially for the single woman without children , who desires to be married and have a family.
When I refer to the single woman this does not omit those who are in a relationship. As far as I am concerned you are either: single, married or divorced. You’re still a “single” no matter how committed you may be or what your state considers common law. I sometimes get very frustrated with the way today’s woman is portrayed. She’s either too aggressive or overly passive. Social media, television and the movies presents to us this over-achieving woman that doesn’t need a man. If she does have one she’s constantly reminding him and everyone else how she doesn’t need him to be complete, successful, happy etc. Well duh we’re in control of ALL that regardless of our relationship status. The other woman presented to us is weak and cannot live without a man. I rarely give relationship advice for two reasons: 1.) I’ve experienced too much and 2.)I’ve overcome too much! So while I may be able to relate and empathize it’s hard to sympathize. There’s a big difference between the two. Women do not want to take ownership of their own feelings and actions. We are the most intuitive of all God’s creation and yet we become almost oblivious to this when in love.
Time is of the essence indeed! It didn’t take me 3yrs to realize I wanted to share my life with my man, I in fact knew almost immediately. But what I didn’t know is how I wanted that to look. How I wanted myself to look in that equation or him. We both needed to grow up in various areas of our lives before we could think about taking that vow. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying stay around forever waiting on someone to give you your heart’s desire or in an unhealthy situation. Never do that. Your own convictions will tell you when it’s time to go. If I could only give one piece of advice it would be, do not be coerced into thinking that you are ready when you know you’re not!
There was a season of about 2 years when I wanted to be married so bad because I was “getting old”. Majority of my friends were married, had children or both. Daily social media memes were telling me something was wrong with me, my man didn’t love me and I was stupid basically for being with someone longer than (insert expiration date). To make matters worse family & friends were asking the infamous “When y’all getting married, and/or when you going to have a baby?” questions. The biological clock was going off in every room! That spilled over into my relationship in the worst way. I acted out of frustration that I initially did not have even though I did want a family.
What I have come to realize and be grateful for is the fact that the single woman is in the best position, to serve others, to be a good friend and to identify where she needs to grow before she becomes committed to someone for life. It is during this season she must define who she is and what she values most. I know because I am her. This leads me to my affirmation for the week;
“I am not the exception. I am the rule”
I will not allow my past, present personal struggles with how long it’s taking me to start a family or the pressure of the society we live in to become this hard-hearted woman cause me to think otherwise. I am loyal to my relationship because I am a loyal person in general. I choose to encourage in my relationship instead of telling him how many mistakes he’s making or what a “man” is because I genuinely believe in him. I still support myself and if we need anything we’re there for each other by choice because we are committed. Yet, at the same time I realize we have no obligations to each other in this regard as long as I still have my Father’s last name. That’s too much counter-cultural thinking huh? According to this present-day he needs to be opening me up a business and giving me his whole check. SMH.
Don’t’ get me wrong, there are several boundaries that need to be set up which you must define for yourself. I urge you to do not allow these “know it all, I finally got my man” women tell you how to move in your relationship with dogmatism. Seek good counsel but ultimately it’s your love therefore it’s your risk but it doesn’t have to be what makes you you being compromised. Relationships are already hard. Furthermore, don’t make them more difficult because you refuse to stand up for yourself. If you’re unhappy leave! If you constantly emasculate your man in the name of ‘feminism” or whatever don’t be surprised when he shuts down. Whatever the case may be you have to find a way to align your mind and your heart. This is more than difficult but very necessary. If you’re expecting the outside world to see your relationship as you do you’re sadly mistaken. Our family and friends want the best for us, but they are not us. They do not have our hearts; they cannot love someone the same way we do. Learn who you are choosing to be with and in that learning accept them for who they are but still set the record straight on where you need them to grow. Likewise, do the same for yourself.
My greatest lesson in relationships has been to acknowledge what I have accepted. I cannot allow myself to constantly become frustrated with what I’ve already accepted. If I do, that’s on me. Does that mean I have to continue accepting rule-breaking behavior whether it’s mine or my man’s? Absolutely NOT! In every area of our lives we must ask ourselves the hard questions if we want to grow. These questions can only be answered by YOU! For starters: Why are you with this person? Are you happy? Do you still believe in this relationship? Are you afraid of being alone?
Over the years my position as the “RULE” has been more than challenged. I’ve doubted it due to the way this journey has gone, what society says and my insecurities. In some instances my own behavior has caused me the most frustration. At times the rule has been broken but instead of setting it aside I learned to REINFORCE it, starting with myself.
You are not the exception you are the rule
You are still what a woman should be
Head held high even with broken pieces of your heart on the ground
Despite your circumstances you continue on in what you know to be right
When you fall down or get discouraged
Remember your design is not in vain
The love in your heart does not go unnoticed
It remains unchanged
If anyone has not told you today
You are still worth it
Always was
Always will be
WOW!! 👏👏👏 .. I’m a reader @ heart & enjoy your blog because as I told you before your willingness to be transparent and vulnerable but as a man it gives me the ability to step outside myself & see issues & topics you discuss from a woman perspective without any hidden agendas or motives. Truly a fan! Awesome job keep up the good work!
Author February 15, 2017 / 2:00 pm
That means a lot! Let me know if there’s anything in particular you’d want to read about from a man’s perspective
Loved this. I felt all these things before getting married. My mom and her group ganged up and had a 45 question interrogation for Shane. Smh. Made me feel like man maybe I have waited too long Blah blah even though I was so happy with where we were. Anyway. Long story short. Keep up the great work. I’ll be reading. ❤️❤️
Author February 16, 2017 / 5:57 pm
Thank you Shelle!!
OMG, cousin! There is so much truth in that article.
Relationships summed up to a Tee & served on a platter.
This is so needed in today’s society. I love the way you equated it to “our” truth. Essentially, that is what it’s all about. The message of “single” no matter your status. Not to mention, others want the best for us but don’t have our heart. We will know when we had enough then leave.
This has validated so many of my own personal thoughts in my own relationship. Just wow, cousin.
Continue to let God use you, this could be helpful to so many!
By tithe way, this is the first one I’ve had the opportunity to read. I can’t wait to read others! 👏🏼👍🏽❤️📝😘
Thank you for your courage and vulnerability.
Author March 2, 2017 / 3:51 pm
Thank You Shirley!!! I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment!
Yes! Yes! Girl, this be some of my thoughts. Thanks for being so transparent and truth in your blogs!! I loved this. Keep it coming B! You’re doing an amazing job!😘 ❤